Black Lives Matter


Dear Brixton Top Cats Basketball Community

As people around the world continue to come together to protest and demand an end to racial injustices, I wanted to take a moment to share how Brixton Topcats is responding and standing with the Black community.

The racism that took the lives of George Floyd and many others before him in the USA and here in the UK has left us heartbroken and angry. These murders and the worlds response have a particular resonance with the staff, members and friends of Brixton Topcats.

As has always been the case, Brixton Topcats remains committed to being part of the solution to address social injustice and institutionalised racism. Not just with words, but with meaningful actions both within our company (Club) and within our community.

Since Jimmy Rogers established this club, inclusivity and anti-racism have not only been key factors in our mission to make the world healthier, it’s been a part of our clubs’ culture from the outset. In our mission to carry on Jimmy’s legacy, the South London CIC (Administrative arm of The Brixton Topcats Basketball Club) are focusing on helping and representing the needs of all young people in our club with a focus on inclusion, education and progression. We will work more effectively with our representative alumni, elevating their voices to support and inspire our young players to achieve.

We will also ensure that issues that disproportionately affect Black people specifically, including COVID-19 are addressed through own risk assessments which consider and protect the additional risk posed to BAME players and their families, using our new website platform to highlight Black health guidance.

Jimmy’s mission was always to create long overdue change to help our young people to feel safe, to have equality, to progress and to live happy, healthier lives. Our ‘glittering array’ of successful alumni is an illustration of his and the club’s success in achieving that end for so many. We are fully committed to the continuation of that noble objective.

Black lives Matter

Paul Ambrosius, Chair Brixton Topcats Basketball Club (South London Topcats CIC)

Nb please find picture of Jimmy and I protesting on same subject in the 70s. Can you see us?  It is time for change..


2024/25 Fixtures to be confirmed.

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